Update on our Manure Registry

We are excited to announce that our manure registry idea is gaining traction and we now have the support of some very dynamic industry experts.

When we created our manure registry our intent was to create a tool that our nutrient originators could use in order to place the nutrients that they themselves could not use with those who needed them. It is our belief that best management practices are at the heart of what we do as a team at Crop Quest and that the manure registry definitely promotes best management practices. We are now very excited to announce that Christine Brown from OMAFRA, Mel Luymes from the Ontario Institute of Agrologists and Mike Dougherty, an expert in environmental policy and waste management, have joined with us to work towards putting together a steering committee that develops a platform and service that connects producers and end users of organic sources of nutrients. The goal is to facilitate and promote the proper and beneficial use of these materials - maximizing their benefit to growers and reducing the environmental impact of improper use.

We have already had our first committee meeting and the ideas that are starting to come forward have been very inspiring. This is just the beginning and we know that we have a lot of work to do, but our goal is to engage with key industry stakeholders such as the Compost Council of Canada, commodity producers, Conservation Authorities, the Ministry of the Environment and farmers themselves to promote the idea of a circular economy with organic waste. We believe that together we can move this initiative forward such that we create a platform that is beneficial to everyone.

If you would like to participate or have any questions about this initiative, we invite you to contact us directly. We would love to hear from you because we know that we can accomplish so much more by working together.

While from a completely different part of the world, this video does a great job of explaining our concept.